Sunday, February 14, 2010

August/Sept. 2009

6 months pregnant...can't wait! Summer has been extremely hot this year. I don't go out much unless it is past 7pm. I can't tolerate the heat so my house has basically become my cave. :-/ Thank God we have a pool! :-))

1st day of school! Can't wait to meet my new students!

Sadly, I didn't last long at work. By the first week in September my back was hurting so bad I could hardly walk. A week later I had pre-eclampsia so Dr. Z put me on bed rest & I never went back.

Missy is ready for 8th grade.

I didn't get a picture of Adam this year. :-( It's his Senior year & he has taken all of the classes he needs to graduate so he doesn't have to take a class during 1st block. Which means he gets to go to school later...he wasn't going to wake up early for a picture. :-(

Teaher Workday...Luncheon. Some of the 1st gr. teachers.

I am missing a lot of pictures :-( because my external hard drive crashed. Missy & I enjoyed our birthday's, but I don't have the pictures to post. I backed up all of my pictures to it, But never anticipated that it would die!!!! I hate technology!
:-/ I was told that my pictures may possibly be retrieved, but it would cost over $1000.00!!! I thought the guy was kidding. He wasn't. I guess I will hand my old external hard drive to my grandchildren:-S So much for leaving pics for future generations.

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